Myy momma && me

Myy momma && me

Friday, November 19, 2010

Why you should quit smoking

      Did you know that In the United States, an estimated 24.8 million men and 21.1 million women are smokers? That’s just in the U.S, worldwide 47 percent of men and 12 percent of women smoke a total of 6 trillion cigarettes a year. Now that’s a lot of smoking if you ask me. About four million people die worldwide each year as a result of smoking. In the United States, tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths, killing more than 490,000 Americans each year. Just think about how many more people would still be alive if they never smoked isn’t that crazy?
       Do you ever wonder what causes people to start? I can think of a lot of reasons such as to look cool, to eat less, stress, depression, to be social, but the number one reasons though is that its addicting and with that first inhale your stuck. I know this from experience, I started my freshman year in high school to look cool but then it became an addiction. I have just recently quit and I feel so much better its crazy how different you actually feel it’s not just a bunch of hoopla that people are saying to convince you to quit.
     I am now going to share with you some information on cigarettes that will hopefully persuade any one that smokes to stop. First off Money, think about how much money you would save if you didn’t smoke. I know when I smoked I paid about forty dollars a carton that’s so much money I could of used towards something else. I bet you didn’t know that cigarettes are crawling with germs, so just imagine how many germs you are putting into your mouth every cigarette you smoke. One very interesting fact is that smoking can affect you in the bedroom; it affects blood circulation which causes lack of blood flow to your genitals. In other words arousal for men & woman can be difficult.
      Women smokers have been found to lose 2.3% to 3.3% of bone mineral density, these effects are even worse for postmenopausal women. Smokers have a 70% chance of developing hearing loss. One study found that people who live in smoking households were up to 6.6 times more likely to experience a fire injury than those in nonsmoking households. According to another study, cigarettes were the cause of 55% of all house fires involving a fatality. Now to me that’s kind of selfish to the other people in living in the household.
       A lot of people think that smoking is only bad for your lungs, WRONG! It affects a lot more than just your lungs. Smokers are at two to four times ‘at a greater risk of developing coronary heart disease as nonsmokers. Cigarette smokers with coronary heart disease are also at twice the risk for sudden cardiac death as nonsmokers with coronary heart disease. Also believe or not the brain is a common site for lung cancer to spread.  I’m pretty sure you all know about your teeth, and how horrible they start to look after awhile, but that’s not all you can also get gum cancer.

   Also you’ll be less wrinkly which men don’t really seem to mind too much but I know woman do. So woman you may think you look sexy now but just imagine your poor skin in ten years when it starts to drastically change for the worst. This happens do to the narrowing of your skin's blood vessels and the damaging of tissues that give the skin its strength and elasticity.
 Also if you have smoked for more than 20 years you’re more likely to get acid reflux, which I have and trust me it’s not pleasant. Also if you quit smoking your food will taste better and also you will have a better sense of smell. And your fingers, they start to get permanently stained with a yellowish tint, and who is going to want to hold your hands with them looking like that? Next is your hair, it turns grey a lot faster so if you’re a smoker you might want to start buying hair dye now you’re going to need it.  Now when I was a smoker I know that I started to have burn holes everywhere in my car, in my clothes even in my shoes so therefore if you quit you don’t have to worry about those anymore. So there’s my reasons for why I think you should quit I hope I have persuaded you.
        So, if you are ready to quit here are some ways on how to do it…
Make a list of reasons why you like them and then make another list of reasons why quitting isn’t easy, next to each entry jot down a way to overcome that challenge and then set a date, like a contract. Then write all the reasons for quitting on an index card and keep it with all the time. Then prepare a list of things to do when you start to have a craving. When your quit date arrives throw out everything that remotely reminds you of smoking. If you relapse its ok, just start again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chapter 20: Proposing a Solution

 When you propose a solution your goal is to argue for a positive change, you want to convince readers to accept and contribute. To accomplish this you need to describe a problem, analyze its causes and effects, argue for a solution, defend that solution and then prove the solution. This requires a willingness to challenge the reader with an open mind. Whatever the solution may be it should be based on a personal understanding of the problem and an exploration of all possible solutions. Know readers, just like anything you should know what kind of audience you are trying to persuade. Make sure your research is legit, to build that quality you must conduct primary research, checking journals, books, internet,possible solutions, & have solid support for your solution.

Chapter 19: Persuading Readers to Act

  When your persuading someone you are trying to convince them to believe you, from whatever their perspective is on something. Your goal is to get the reader to change their mind on a debatable, complex, and timely issue. You should be achieving this goal with sound logic, reliable support, and fitting appeals.  When persuading readers to act you want to urge them to change their behavior or to take action. First, you need to know your audience whether they are peers, professors, college community or a nation. You need to know their knowledge and their attitudes toward the topic. Next, you need to promote your cause this is your goal to motivate your readers to act. Last is to be reasonable, review your thinking to identify any logical fallacies.Some topics you might consider are
  • personal experiences
  • personal ideas
  • community concerns
  • national affairs
  • "No comment" topics

Chapter 18: Taking a Position

 In other words taking a stand, you need to refine what you think and feel, to clarify and deepen your perspective on an issue. The goal in writing a paper like this is to explain what you believe and why. You need to try to explore all positions just because your very set on your opinion doesn't mean it is right, do your research. Go beyond and make a position instead of stating your opinion it shows mature thinking. Try and soften your stance, no need to come off like a snob. Let evidence speak for itself.

An Apology for the Life of Ms.Barbie D. Doll
Reading for better writing
  1. The way the word apology is used in the title seems to be kind of sarcastic, it could also be taken defensively. To alot of people such as myself we don't see the wrong doing in barbie dolls. I know when I was little girl I owned many and I didn't try and dress like them, maybe like a princess but that was as far as it went. I do understand however how they might make girls have lower self esteem because it isn't realistic to have a tiny waste and huge boobs with perfect skin. But I don't think that anyone who made barbie's should have to apologize.
  2. I think the writer treats the original source very well cause he isn't attacking the source what so ever. There are many concessions and rebuttals in this arguement and they were very understandable. He always goes back and forth between the different view points on the subject, and he seems to have an answer for every arguement that people might have with them.

Chapter 17 Strategies for Argumentation & Persuasion

    This chapter explains the foundations of arguementation & persuasion & introduces 3 related forms
  • taking position
  • persuading readers to act
  • proposing solution
 An arguement is a series of statements arranged in a logical sequence, it is supported with evidence, and is expressed powerfully. They appear in a variety of places.
  • research paper
  • an analysis
  • a debate
When you prepare your arguement you need to first consider the situation. Then you need to distinguish claims from facts and opinions. After you do that you need to develop a supportable claim this balances confidence with common sense.Next you need to gather evidence, get an "eyewitness" perspective shaped by the oberver's viewpoint. You may want to think of an arguement as an intelligent, lively dialogue with readers, so therefore you should make concessions this strengthens your overall argument.